Why Is It Important To Save Money At A Young Age?

When it comes to saving money, a lot of youngsters think of saving as something for older people who want to retire. They think they have so much time to enjoy themselves before they need to worry about that stuff.  Retirement seems so far away that it almost seems like it’s never going to happen. So why bother putting away 20% of your paycheck for something that’s a distant dream when you can instead take …

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Brutally Honest Huel Review: Is Huel a Good Meal Replacement?

Are you getting tired of having to choose between eating out or spending time and energy cooking your own food? On the one hand, you could save yourself time and energy while enjoying the luxury of a professionally cooked meal. The only downside is you’re going to take a hit to your wallet and you might not be getting the healthiest option out there. On the other hand, you could save yourself some cash by …

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How to Reduce Your Healthcare Costs in the US

Did you know that medical debt is the number one reason for personal bankruptcy filings in the U.S.?  If you didn’t, I’m guessing that probably didn’t surprise you. Healthcare expenses are unavoidable and expensive. Worst of all, sometimes your insurance won’t cover everything, leaving you with a fat bill to take care of. If you’re having trouble managing your healthcare expenses, here are some tips to help cut your costs. They can’t make all the …

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23 Simple Ways to Save Money for College Students

College is expensive. Nothing new about that. But that doesn’t mean you can throw up your hands and say “Well I’m broke anyways, might as well splurge on the $6 left in my bank account”. NO! If you want to minimize the impact of student loan interest, you need to find ways to save money anywhere you can. The best time to start saving is now while you have decades of compounding growth ahead of you. …

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12 Easy Ways to Save Money at Home

$2,000 a year. That’s how much you can save if you apply these easy money saving tips at home. And that’s a conservative estimate (you can check the numbers yourself). That’s like a small raise! Sometimes small changes today can make all the difference in the long run. With these easy money saving tips, you can take your first steps towards saving big. No more excuses about living paycheck-to-paycheck or not having anything left to …

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How to Budget for a Road Trip and Save Money

Summary: To budget for your road trip, plan ahead and don’t eat out that much. Tip: Order some Huel for cheap, healthy, and convenient meals for the road. Download my spreadsheet to make budget planning easy and organized. When I think about a road trip, I think about driving for 1,000 miles with some broke college friends on a low budget spring break trip for a couple hundred bucks. Reality, however, is often much different …

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30 Easy Hacks to Save Money on Amazon in 2020

It’s no secret. Everyone shops on Amazon. Myself included. Amazon already has pretty good prices on almost anything you can think of. Even so, there are still a few ways to squeeze out a few more dollars in savings. Here’s a list of easy hacks and tricks that I’ve found to save you a little bit of extra money. 1. Get Free Amazon Gift Cards Everyone loves Amazon gift cards, especially when it’s what someone …

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7 Unconventional Ways to Save Money in College

When I was in college looking to save money, I got sick of seeing the same generic, no-brainer advice. Eat out less. Stop buying Starbucks coffee everyday. Don’t go on shopping sprees. Cut cable. Wow, of course! Why didn’t I think of that? (sarcasm). Maybe you are thinking the same thing. So here are 7 unconventional ways to save money in college that I’ve personally used myself. 1. Plan Ahead If there’s anything to take …

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