Retirement Investing for Beginners: the 401(k) and IRA Explained

When I landed my first job out of college, I didn’t know much about retirement investing. I’ve heard about 401(k)s and IRAs, but to be honest they just sounded like something people in their 40s should worry about (spoiler alert: it’s actually something you need to worry about right now). I knew it was probably important, but didn’t know quite enough to know why.  According to data from Fidelity, you most likely are in the …

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10 Easiest Ways to Invest with Little Money as a Broke Person

Do you want to start investing in your future but don’t think you have enough money? Then look no further, this post will show you 10 easy ways you can start investing as a broke person even if you have little money to invest.  I think when a lot of people hear the words “investor”, they think about guys in suits on Wall Street making calls over the phone involving millions of dollars. There are …

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Stock Market Investing for Total Beginners: the Complete Guide

If you’re not too familiar with stocks, maybe the words “stock market” make you think about investors on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange shouting orders under a scrolling LED screen of green and red arrows and numbers. Or maybe you’ll think of day traders who stare at stock charts all day making split second buy and sell decisions involving thousands of dollars. Regardless of where you’re coming from, in this post I …

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26 Best Side Hustles to Pay Off Debt Fast

If you have debt for things like student loans or credit card debt, there are two ways to make progress: 1. Spend less and 2. Earn more (with a side hustle). The first one is probably what most people try first when trying to pay off their debt.  Reducing your spending is definitely a good start, but there’s a limit to how much you can cut your spending. After a certain point you’ll really be …

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30 Easy Hacks to Save Money on Amazon in 2020

It’s no secret. Everyone shops on Amazon. Myself included. Amazon already has pretty good prices on almost anything you can think of. Even so, there are still a few ways to squeeze out a few more dollars in savings. Here’s a list of easy hacks and tricks that I’ve found to save you a little bit of extra money. 1. Get Free Amazon Gift Cards Everyone loves Amazon gift cards, especially when it’s what someone …

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200+ Passive Income Ideas from the Top 10 Pages of Google

I’ve been doing some thinking about money lately (who doesn’t?). Specifically about my own financial plan. I have a steady job that gives me a reliable source of income (so far, assuming I don’t get laid off soon because of coronavirus). I live very frugally in a room I found on Craigslist meant for a broke college student. My meals only cost $1 each and I rarely buy random stuff on amazon.  What more can …

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My Minimalist Vegetarian Diet: Super Cheap, Simple, and Healthy

I moved to Washington about 3 months ago from California. Just like when I moved away from home for the first time for college, I had to figure out how to feed myself in my new living situation. I already had a meal plan that I used to follow from my college days in San Diego. So I was hoping to stick to my old plan at my new place in Washington. But when I …

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Are These Paid Survey Sites Legit? Yes, but They Suck.

So I’m a personal finance blogger. Even though I only started a few months ago, I’m already seeing way too many of these types of posts when doing my topic research: “10 Survey Sites To Make Extra Money This Month!”, “How To Make Money Online With Swagbucks: I Made $1,020!”, “21 Awesome Survey Sites To Make Extra Money In Your PJ’s!”. That got me thinking: are these survey sites really legit ways to make money? …

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Can I Spend Money from my Savings Account?

Since I’ve started running this blog, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my own personal finances. Particularly about where I should store my savings. I was shopping around for an online savings account when a question came to my mind. Can I spend money from my savings account? I feel like that’s something I should know. So I did a little digging around myself and came up with this answer: No you can’t. …

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9 Key Personal Finance Tips to Build Wealth

There is no way to get rich overnight (unless you win the lottery). However, there are several ways to reach financial success over the span of a lifetime. In this post, I’ve compiled a list of the biggest practical personal finance tips to help you build wealth over your lifetime to reach financial security. 1. Have a Budget A lot of people think a budget is there to stop you from spending. Maybe they imagine …

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