Why Is It Important To Save Money At A Young Age?

When it comes to saving money, a lot of youngsters think of saving as something for older people who want to retire. They think they have so much time to enjoy themselves before they need to worry about that stuff.  Retirement seems so far away that it almost seems like it’s never going to happen. So why bother putting away 20% of your paycheck for something that’s a distant dream when you can instead take …

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What To Do If Someone Is Not Giving Your Money Back

Got a friend who owes you money that always seems to “forget” to pay you back? It happens.  If you’re anything like me, you’re probably starting to get frustrated about this. You so generously extended your grace toward this person and now they’re turning their back on you when it’s pretty obvious they have the means to pay you back. So what are you supposed to do? Here’s the short answer: If you’ve already given …

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Why is Budgeting Important? 5 Reasons Why

Budgeting, budgeting, budgeting.  You hear it everywhere you hear any personal finance advice, whether that be from your parents, your pastor, your uncle, or any random personal finance blog you come across on the Googles.  Clearly, budgeting seems to be the go-to advice on managing your finances everyone seems to be giving. Myself included. The biggest debt-payoff guru Dave Ramsey himself seems to preach about keeping a budget like pastors preach reading the Bible. Everyone …

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Is It Ethical To Invest In The Stock Market?

Is it ethical to invest in the stock market? For most stock investors, this might be a question that never crossed their minds. Putting your money in stocks has become such a common and almost standard way of investment, people would hardly relate it to “ethics”.  Even when ethics is brought into the discussion on the stock market, what does “ethics” even mean? Does that refer to companies that are somehow breaking the law? Is …

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Brutally Honest Huel Review: Is Huel a Good Meal Replacement?

Are you getting tired of having to choose between eating out or spending time and energy cooking your own food? On the one hand, you could save yourself time and energy while enjoying the luxury of a professionally cooked meal. The only downside is you’re going to take a hit to your wallet and you might not be getting the healthiest option out there. On the other hand, you could save yourself some cash by …

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How Much Percent Of Your Portfolio Should Be International Stocks?

Diversification. If you’ve done some investment, even as a beginner, you’ve probably seen this word thrown around a bunch of times. Maybe you’ve settled your investments on your S&P index funds or Dow Jones index funds as your “diversification” and called it a day. While it’s true that these funds offer convenient diversification for your investment portfolio, there’s a huge area you might be overlooking: the international market.  According to the MSCI All World Index, …

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Why is Day Trading Restricted

Many people who get into stock trading quickly start hearing about day trading as an easy way to make money fast. Just a few clicks and a few minutes of looking at stock charts and you can instantly be $1,000 richer (supposedly). There’s only one thing stopping you: the pattern day trading rule. Long story short, this rule sets a minimum equity requirement on day trading accounts of $25,000 and a limit on the margin …

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How Long Do I Have To Wait To Buy A Stock After Selling It?

Can’t wait to get back into the market after selling off your stock? You better watch yourself before making your next investment. You could be missing out on some tax benefits if you get back in the market too quickly. So how long do you have to wait before you can buy a stock after selling it? Here’s the short answer: Technically, you don’t have to wait any time at all if you want to …

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Do You Have To Cash In Savings Bonds When They Mature?

Savings bonds are a really old-fashioned form of investing. You can buy savings bonds now and earn a fixed interest rate for a long period of time at little to no risk. A virtually guaranteed return on investment. This is as conservative as it gets when it comes to investing. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’ve probably discovered an old, expired savings bond that you’ve completely forgotten about until now. Or maybe you saw …

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Do I Have To Pay Tax On Stocks If I Sell And Reinvest?

Stocks are a great way to invest your money. At an average rate of return of 12% per year, it’s no wonder so many people have taken an interest in trading stocks.  But if there’s one thing to watch out for when it comes to stock investing, it’s taxes. At tax rates ranging from 0-37%, you need to make sure you’re making smart choices when buying and selling your stocks. That leads us to your …

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