How Much Percent Of Your Portfolio Should Be International Stocks?

Diversification. If you’ve done some investment, even as a beginner, you’ve probably seen this word thrown around a bunch of times. Maybe you’ve settled your investments on your S&P index funds or Dow Jones index funds as your “diversification” and called it a day. While it’s true that these funds offer convenient diversification for your investment portfolio, there’s a huge area you might be overlooking: the international market.  According to the MSCI All World Index, …

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Why is Day Trading Restricted

Many people who get into stock trading quickly start hearing about day trading as an easy way to make money fast. Just a few clicks and a few minutes of looking at stock charts and you can instantly be $1,000 richer (supposedly). There’s only one thing stopping you: the pattern day trading rule. Long story short, this rule sets a minimum equity requirement on day trading accounts of $25,000 and a limit on the margin …

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How Long Do I Have To Wait To Buy A Stock After Selling It?

Can’t wait to get back into the market after selling off your stock? You better watch yourself before making your next investment. You could be missing out on some tax benefits if you get back in the market too quickly. So how long do you have to wait before you can buy a stock after selling it? Here’s the short answer: Technically, you don’t have to wait any time at all if you want to …

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How to Reduce Your Healthcare Costs in the US

Did you know that medical debt is the number one reason for personal bankruptcy filings in the U.S.?  If you didn’t, I’m guessing that probably didn’t surprise you. Healthcare expenses are unavoidable and expensive. Worst of all, sometimes your insurance won’t cover everything, leaving you with a fat bill to take care of. If you’re having trouble managing your healthcare expenses, here are some tips to help cut your costs. They can’t make all the …

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12 Easy Ways to Save Money at Home

$2,000 a year. That’s how much you can save if you apply these easy money saving tips at home. And that’s a conservative estimate (you can check the numbers yourself). That’s like a small raise! Sometimes small changes today can make all the difference in the long run. With these easy money saving tips, you can take your first steps towards saving big. No more excuses about living paycheck-to-paycheck or not having anything left to …

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How to Build an Investment Portfolio for Total Beginners

Summary: Building an investment portfolio involves determining your risk tolerance and investing in assets accordingly. If you’re risk-averse you want to invest more in cash equivalents and bonds. If you have a high risk tolerance, you can put more of your investments in stocks. The rest of this post will tell you the specifics. Investing intimidates a lot of people. In fact, about 65% of young adults (aged 18-39) thought investing was scary or intimidating. …

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Financial Milestones by Age: How to Prioritize Your Money

As you go through different life stages (raise kids, buy a house, get divorced, re-marry, retire, prepare to die, etc.) your financial goals will probably change. Some of your concerns might be long term, like saving for retirement, and some could be short term, like saving for a down payment.  Whatever your goals might be, there’s a good chance your priorities can be categorized based on your current life stage. Odds are, if you’re a …

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Retirement Investing for Beginners: the 401(k) and IRA Explained

When I landed my first job out of college, I didn’t know much about retirement investing. I’ve heard about 401(k)s and IRAs, but to be honest they just sounded like something people in their 40s should worry about (spoiler alert: it’s actually something you need to worry about right now). I knew it was probably important, but didn’t know quite enough to know why.  According to data from Fidelity, you most likely are in the …

Read moreRetirement Investing for Beginners: the 401(k) and IRA Explained

Stock Market Investing for Total Beginners: the Complete Guide

If you’re not too familiar with stocks, maybe the words “stock market” make you think about investors on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange shouting orders under a scrolling LED screen of green and red arrows and numbers. Or maybe you’ll think of day traders who stare at stock charts all day making split second buy and sell decisions involving thousands of dollars. Regardless of where you’re coming from, in this post I …

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