Do I Have To Pay Tax On Stocks If I Sell And Reinvest?

Stocks are a great way to invest your money. At an average rate of return of 12% per year, it’s no wonder so many people have taken an interest in trading stocks.  But if there’s one thing to watch out for when it comes to stock investing, it’s taxes. At tax rates ranging from 0-37%, you need to make sure you’re making smart choices when buying and selling your stocks. That leads us to your …

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How Long Do You Have To Hold A Stock To Get The Dividend?

I get it. You heard about buying dividend stocks as a way to get some passive income. Now you’re wondering how long it’s going to take to get your next payout. Or maybe you’re wondering what’s the minimum time you need to be a shareholder to qualify for the dividend. That’s something I wondered about when I first heard about dividend stocks. Here’s the short answer: The length of time you’ve held onto a stock …

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How to Reduce Your Healthcare Costs in the US

Did you know that medical debt is the number one reason for personal bankruptcy filings in the U.S.?  If you didn’t, I’m guessing that probably didn’t surprise you. Healthcare expenses are unavoidable and expensive. Worst of all, sometimes your insurance won’t cover everything, leaving you with a fat bill to take care of. If you’re having trouble managing your healthcare expenses, here are some tips to help cut your costs. They can’t make all the …

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23 Simple Ways to Save Money for College Students

College is expensive. Nothing new about that. But that doesn’t mean you can throw up your hands and say “Well I’m broke anyways, might as well splurge on the $6 left in my bank account”. NO! If you want to minimize the impact of student loan interest, you need to find ways to save money anywhere you can. The best time to start saving is now while you have decades of compounding growth ahead of you. …

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101 Home Business Ideas with Low Startup Costs

With the virus situation going on and everyone staying at home, I’m guessing a lot of people have been looking into starting their own home business.  One of the biggest advantages of starting a home business is low overhead and startup costs. You don’t have to rent out a location to run your business (usually) and you have a much bigger online audience you can reach out to. This means there’s high potential for bigger …

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